Sweet Potato Oven Fries

Sweet Potato Oven Fries

Preheat oven to 350′

Cut sweet potatoes into thin french fries.
Each person will easily consume one full potato’s worth of these fries. Don’t be stingy.
It will look like a lot, but trust me.

Place in glass pan thingies or on cookie sheets.
Spread ’em out so they aren’t overlapping too much.

Throw on:
a glug of olive oil
4 crushed cloves of garlic per pan
lots of sea salt
coarse-grind pepper

(Fun fact! Loosen the little knobby thing on your pepper grinder to get a coarser grind!)

Mess it all up with a spoon til all fries are a little shiny with the oil.
Shake the pan to even it out a bit.
Put ’em in the oven for a bit.


Toss ’em around, add a little more olive oil if they’re sticking.
Put ’em under the broiler til the smoke detector goes off just before the smoke detector goes off.
Curse at smoke detector.
Climb on chair & yank smoke detector off wall.
Throw smoke detector down stairs.

Stir em up and add more salt.
Yam Yam Yam.

The whole thing will take about 35 minutes from cutting to burning completion.